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Bavaria in London

Office of the Free State of Bavaria in the United Kingdom

The Office of the Free State of Bavaria in the United Kingdom (UK) promotes and expands cooperation with the UK after Brexit. The mission of the Office is to further intensify relations between Bavaria and the United Kingdom in business, science, innovation, education, youth exchange and culture.

Bavarian-British relations

Bayerisch-Britische Beziehungen.
Bavarian-British relations.

Bavaria and Great Britain have strong historical, cultural and economic ties. Even after leaving the European Union (EU) the UK remains an important partner for Bavaria, with whom we share common values and many mutual interests.

The United Kingdom is a key trading partner for Bavaria. Still, we see great potential also in other fields, such as science and innovation, education, youth exchange and culture, where cooperation can be deepened even further.

The Bavarian Office in London

Büro des Freistaats Bayern im Vereinigten Königreich.

The Office of the Free State of Bavaria in the United Kingdom is based in London.

The political course for the Office was set in April 2019 by the Bavarian Council of Ministers. After commencing operations in February 2022, the Office was officially opened by the former State Minister for European and International Affairs, Melanie Huml, on 25 May 2023.

The Office is part of the Bavarian State Chancellery and has the mission to promote cooperation between Bavarian and British stakeholders in a wide range of activities and to further deepen the close relations with the United Kingdom.

One of the Office’s main activities is to promote economic exchange between Bavaria and the United Kingdom.

Another important aspect is cultivating Bavarian-British relations in culture, education and youth exchange as well as in science and innovation.

Contact Person

Contact Details

Office of the Free State of Bavaria in the United Kingdom
7-8 Stratford Place
London, W1C 1AY
United Kingdom
Tel.: + 44 7742554152